24-Hour Asbestos Inspector Initial

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

The purpose of this course is to update the student on the duties and responsibilities of an Asbestos Inspector according to 40 CFR 763.

32-Hour Asbestos Worker – Initial Class

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

The purpose of the Asbestos Worker Initial Training Course is to ensure that asbestos workers receive training and have the skills and knowledge necessary to permit them to remove or […]

40-Hour Asbestos Supervisor Initial Class

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

This training program shall include lectures, demonstrations, training program review, examination, and at least fourteen (14) hours of hands-on training which allows supervisors the experience of performing actual tasks associated […]

16-Hour Lead Worker Initial Class

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

The purpose of this course is to train workers on History, Health effects, PPE, Methods of abatement, setting up containments and all regulations for lead abatement along with going over […]

32-Hour Lead Supervisor Initial Class

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

The purpose of this course is to teach supervisors on regulations for lead abatement along with going over their responsibilities. 40 CFR 745, 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR-1926, and HUD […]

8-Hour Lead Renovation Repair & Painting Initial

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

The purpose of this course is to update workers on any changes in regulations for lead abatement along with going over their responsibilities.

24-Hour Lead Inspector Initial

Portsmouth, VA - In Person 1420 Chestnut Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

This course will teach you about the history and uses of Lead containing paints, how and where to collect the samples, how much sample to collect and documentation associated with […]